Anise and Clove X Just a Glass Australia

 Anise and Clove X Just a Glass Australia 
Here at Just a Glass Australia we are so proud to partner with Anise & Clove for our very first Mulled Wine Kit launch. We were inspired to work with another small business in our local community who was passionate about their craft and created products with such love and care.
We spoke with Anny from Anise and Clove about all things business and Mulled Wine collaboration.
 Mulled Wine
Tell us a little bit about Anise and Clove and what inspired you to launch your business?
Just like many others during the lockdown of 2020, we started on our cooking journey. I mean, what better way to spend the weekend than in the kitchen and then pigging out on food. During our cooking adventures, I realised that I would only choose recipes that were 1. Easy to follow and 2. I knew exactly what all the ingredients were (there’s nothing worse than having to spend the whole morning hunting down a specific ingredient that you had no idea existed).
This lead to the start of what would become Anise & Clove. What if we could provide spice packs complete with simple to follow recipes.  
What was the first product you created?
Our very first product is the chilli oil packs. We found that even though you can easily go buy yourself a jar from the supermarket, we were going through them so quickly we started making them in batches. The best thing is that each pack can make 1.5Lt of chilli oil!
Tell us about the Mulled Wine kits you created for Just a Glass Australia? What process do you go through to create each kit?
The Just a Glass Mulled Wine kits were a delight to put together, mainly due to the fact that we actually had to make the single servings of mulled wine to get the quantities right.
As a small business what/who has been your biggest inspiration?
All small business owners. Before embarking on this journey we had no idea exactly how much is involved in running a small business so to everyone thriving through lockdowns and beyond, it is such an achievement!
What’s been your proudest moment in business so far?
Having our product hitting the shelves. After all the hard work we’ve put in and finally seeing it on someone’s shelves is just out of this world.
What advice would you give to other people looking to start up a business?
Follow your heart, don’t give up, your hard work will definitely be worth it!
Where can people purchase and support Anise & Clove?
All our products can be found on our website through We can also be found at Positive Feeds, Ollies Deli and now at Just a Glass
What’s next for your business? What does the future look like?
We are currently working on some new products which will hopefully launch within the next few months and hopefully we will see Anise and Clove in more stores around town.
 If there are any packs you would like to see, drop us line we just may make it happen.

Mulled Wine

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